Nyx, Vega, and Banjo attended the UKC sanctioned show in Athens, TN, hosted by the Great Smoky Mountain Dog Club.
Show 1 - Glenda Bruneau
Vega - 1st, Reserve Best Female; 5pts
Nyx - 1st, Best Female, Best Of Winners; 20pts
Show 2 - Paul Bruneau
Vega - 1st, Best Female, Best Of Winners; 20pts
Nyx - 1st, Reserve Best Female; 5pts
Show 1 - Mary Happel
Vega - 1st, Best Female; 15pts
Nyx - Reserve Champion
Banjo - 1st, Reserve Best Male; 5pts
Show 2 - Stephanie Mueller
Vega - No placements
Nyx - Reserve Champion
Banjo - 1st, Reserve Best Male; 5pts
Nyx got 25pts to finish her UKC CH and was moved up to Champion Class. Vega got 40pts and 1 of her majors to finish her UKC CH and was moved up to the Champion Class. Banjo got 10pts towards his UKC CH. Another successful weekend for the Mythos crew.