Hades attended the AKC Winter Wonderland Cluster in Perry GA, hosted by the Columbus Kennel Club Inc, the Oconee River Kennel Club, and the Kennesaw Kennel Club in conjunction with the Greyhound Association of North Georgia and the North American Diving Dogs.
CABT Run 1 Nov. 30 under judge Jennifer Dawn Baiocco: Hades received one pass
CABT Run 1 Dec. 1 under judge Chris Frodsham: Hades received one pass
CABT Run 2 Dec. 1 under judge Laurie Frodsham: Hades received one pass
NADD Splash 10 Dec. 1: Hades jumped 10' 2" in the Junior division
NADD Splash 11 Dec. 1: Hades jumped 9' 3" in the Novice division
NADD Splash 12 Dec. 1: Hades jumped 9' 10" in the Novice division
The weekend ended with Hades receiving three passes and earning his Coursing Ability Title and finishing the last splash for his Dock Junior title and finishing the last two splashes for his Dock Novice title.